The full City of Ravenna Charter can be viewed here.
In January, 1982, and each five (5) years thereafter, Council shall appoint a Commission of thirteen (13)
members and two (2) alternates to serve as a Charter Review Commission. The Commission shall be
appointed during the first Council meeting in January of the year that the Commission is to convene and the
Commission shall have its first meeting no later than the first week of February in that same year. The
members and alternates shall be qualified electors of the Municipality who hold no other office or appointment in the Municipality and shall serve without compensation. The members may not be an immediate family member of any elected official within the City of Ravenna nor may a voting member of the Commission be running for local public office during his/her term on the Charter Review Commission. For purposes of clarification of this section, immediate family member shall be defined as mother, father, sister, brother, child, spouse, domestic partner, grandparent and grandchild. The Charter Review Commission may employ a secretary to keep its minutes and records. The secretary shall be compensated by Council at a reasonable rate. (Amended November 7, 2017)
The Charter Review Commission shall, in meetings open to the public, review the Municipal Charter and, no
later than the first regularly scheduled City Council meeting in July of that same year, propose to Council such
amendments, if any, to this Charter which in its judgment are conducive to improving the government of the
Municipality. (Amended November 7, 2017)