Our Street Department is staffed with 9 FT operators, one FT mechanic and one FT utilities operator for water distribution. The residents of the city are provided many services throughout the year including free lawn and leaf bags for pick up.  Crews will deliver them during the bi-weekly pick-up cycle (the department’s curbside yard waste recycling program is second to none in Portage County), annual city-wide leaf pickup program and free compost/mulch giveaways during the summer months.

Of the approximately 100 lane miles of city streets, services include snowplowing, spot improvements and maintaining the city’s storm and sanitary sewer systems and street sweeping operations. The residents of the city are very fortunate to have this dedicated group of employees that perform these tasks each day of the year in all types of weather elements.

City of Ravenna Moral Claim Process

The moral claims process used by the City of Ravenna is an informal procedure designed for the evaluation and possible settling of claims against the city without the expense of litigation.  All claims against the city are investigated and reviewed by the Mayor and Director of Public Service.  If you feel you have a moral claim against the City of Ravenna, please see links below.

Please be advised that moral claims may only be paid for actual or compensatory damages to persons or property caused by the City of Ravenna, its officers, or employees.  Moral claims for acts and omissions alleged to be caused by any independent contractor of the city, any private contractor, group or company performing work within the City of Ravenna, or for acts or omissions alleged to be caused by the State of Ohio, or any other political subdivision of the State of Ohio, shall not be considered.  No moral claim shall be considered when the damages claimed are normal, punitive, liquidated, or special, including damages alleged to have resulted from any deprivation of the claimants’ civil rights.

If you have any questions regarding a moral claim, please contact City Hall at (330) 296-6326.  However, please be advised that the City of Ravenna cannot provide you with legal advice regarding your claim.

Moral Claim Policy

Backup Incident Report form

Moral Claim form

Street Department
701 Oakwood St.
P.O. Box 1215
Ravenna, OH 44266-1215
330.296.6326 Phone
330.297.2164 Fax

Hours: 7am – 3:30pm
Mon – Fri, except holidays
Closed 12pm – 1pm for lunch