
Through our partnership with the Portage County Solid Waste Management District Ravenna residents recycle about 60 tons of material each month. About 45 tons are paper products. According to EPA statistics, every ton of paper recycled saves 17 trees, so Ravenna saves over 750 trees per month.

Curbside pick-up routes can be found HERE.

Containers for recyclables are available from the Solid Waste Management District by calling 330-678-8808.

To see the PCSWD times and days of recyclables that they are collecting, please click here to view their upcoming events.

Accepted Items

This program accepts glass, cans, #1 and #2 plastic, and most paper products.

Items not for recycling

The District is asking for your help to reduce plastic bags in the recycling carts.  The plastic bags wrap around the equipment and results in downtime to remove them from the star screens.  Plastic bags are considered contamination and result in higher processing costs and then higher rates. The drivers will begin/continue placing “Oops” stickers on the carts that contain plastic bags.  If you’re not sure of what is and isn’t allowed in your recycling bin, please consult the Portage County’s recycling website located at Home Page – Portage Recycles.

CHaRM Brochure – Collection Guidelines

What about yard waste?

Yard waste is not accepted by the recycling program. However, the City of Ravenna does provide lawn waste pickup at the curb. For more information please visit the Lawn Waste web page.

How can I participate?

The Solid Waste District recently moved to a ‘Single Stream Recycling’ system which greatly simplifies recycling for residents. All recyclables can now be placed in a single designated container (provided by the Solid Waste District) which will be picked up at the curb on your designated recycle day. To receive a container, or for instructions and a schedule, visit the Portage County Solid Waste District web site or call them at 330.678.8808.

When is my pickup?

Ravenna’s pickup routes are organized by ward as follows…

  • Ward 1: Every other week on Monday
  • Ward 2: Every other week on Tuesday
  • Ward 3: Every other week on Wednesday
  • Ward 4: Every other week on Thursday

For the most current curbside pick-up routes please visit

Please click here for a diagram as to the example as to how things are to be placed for the recycling of products.

Is participation mandatory?

Recycling helps the environment and helps to reduce your monthly trash removal charges. By recycling as much as possible you are left with less actual ‘trash’ which means you may pay less to your trash hauler each month. Contact your trash hauler and inquire about ‘volume billing’ or ‘bag rates’ to see if you can save. The Water Billing Office has a list of trash haulers available on request.

While we can’t force you to recycle we sincerely hope that you will in order to maximize results and keep costs as low as possible. Regardless of whether or not you choose to recycle you will be charged a fee of $8.50/month on your water bill for properties that have up to 3 billing units and $3 per billing unit for any property that has over 3 billing units.