City of Ravenna Moral Claim Process

The City of Ravenna is not accepting any Moral Claims due to the Flash Floods that happened on August 3, 2024, and August 17, 2024.  We have assessed the situation and issues with the heavy rain falls.  Unfortunately, this deluge of rain was out of the city’s control, and it was an unforeseen amount of rain that Ravenna and the surrounding communities received.

The moral claims process used by the City of Ravenna is an informal procedure designed for the evaluation and possible settling of claims against the city without the expense of litigation.  All claims against the city are investigated and reviewed by the Mayor and Director of Public Service.  If you feel you have a moral claim against the City of Ravenna, please see links below.  If you are unsure as to what to do, click on the link below that says Resident Moral Claim Instructions.  If you still feel that you have questions, please call City Hall at (330) 296-6326.

Please be advised that moral claims may only be paid for actual or compensatory damages to persons or property caused by the City of Ravenna, its officers, or employees.  Moral claims for acts and omissions alleged to be caused by any independent contractor of the city, any private contractor, group or company performing work within the City of Ravenna, or for acts or omissions alleged to be caused by the State of Ohio, or any other political subdivision of the State of Ohio, shall not be considered.  No moral claim shall be considered when the damages claimed are normal, punitive, liquidated, or special, including damages alleged to have resulted from any deprivation of the claimants’ civil rights.

Moral Claims must be filed in a timely manner. The city will not consider any claims that are filed outside of the 60-days from the date of the incident. The first thing that a resident will need to do is call a plumber who is able to camera your lateral to see if there is any blockage in the line between the house and where the line connects to the city’s sewer or stormwater line.  The resident is responsible for filing a claim with their insurance carrier before filing a claim with the City.  The insurance carrier of the City of Ravenna will always be the next avenue of recourse for property owners in the event of a loss.  Should the claim be denied by the insurance carrier of the City of Ravenna, the City will then consider providing some financial relief to the resident in an amount up to the maximum allowable by ordinance ($2,000.00).  The Moral Claim Form must be completed by the resident in its entirety and all supporting documentation (i.e. City Moral Claim, Water/Sewer Backup Incident Report, photos, etc.) attached, before any consideration will be given to a moral claim request.  For further information, please click on the Resident Moral Claim Instructions below.

If you have any questions regarding a moral claim, please contact City Hall at (330) 296-6326.  However, please be advised that the City of Ravenna cannot provide you with legal advice regarding your claim.

Resident Moral Claim Instructions

Backup Incident Report form

Moral Claim form