Records Retention Policy

The City of Ravenna maintains many records that are used in the administration and operation of the City. In accordance with state law and the City of Ravenna Records Commission, the City has adopted Schedules of Records Retention and Disposition (RC-2) identifying these records. These schedules identify records are stored on a fixed medium that are created, received, or sent under the jurisdiction of the City and documents the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the City. The records maintained by the City and the ability to access them are a means to provide trust between the public and the City.

Each office, department or function which maintains records has an individual, or individuals who serve as the custodians of the records.

The period of time for which the City stores or maintains records was determined by assessing the administrative, legal, fiscal, and/or historical value of the records to the City, efficient business practices, and by reviewing the suggested retention periods developed by the Local Government Records Program for the Ohio Historical Society.